The Rosette Nebula Widefield

The beautiful Rosette Nebula, is located in the constellation Monoceros (the Unicorn) about 5,200 light-years from Earth. The Rosette is an emission nebula about 130 light-years across. Emission nebulae are composed of gases that glow as they are energized by radiation from nearby stars.

Exposure: OIII: 100x300" (8h 20'); Ha:  88x300" (7h 20'); SII: 128x300" (10h 40'); Total Integration: 26h 20'

Exposure: OIII: 100x300" (8h 20'); Ha: 88x300" (7h 20'); SII: 128x300" (10h 40'); Total Integration: 26h 20'


Thor's Helmet


Monkey Head Nebula