This image of the Elephant Trunk nebula is the result of about 11 hours of exposure over 3 nights. The nebula is an area of gas and dust located in the constellation Cepheus. It's about 2,400 light years away. Which means that the photons I captured last month on my deck left the region around 419 BC, right about the time that Plato was born in ancient Greece.

Hɑ - 51x300";  OIII - 32x300"; SII - 27x300" Total Integration: 11.1 hours  (Darks: ~50  Flats: ~25); Gain: 111.00; Sensor Temp  -15C

- 51x300"; OIII - 32x300"; SII - 27x300" Total Integration: 11.1 hours (Darks: ~50 Flats: ~25); Gain: 111.00; Sensor Temp -15C


The Tadpoles

