The Leo Triplet is a group of galaxies located about 35 million light years away. The two galaxies on the right were discovered by Charles Messier. Messier was an astronomer in the 1700s who was known as the Ferret of Comets because of his skill and dedication to discovering these celestial objects. Throughout his career he discovered at least 20.

The other galaxy in the Leo Triplet is the Hamburger Galaxy (upper left). It was discovered by William Herschel, a contemporary of Messier, in 1784.

L: 228x300" bin 1x1; R: 31x300" bin 1x1; G: 24x300" bin 1x1; B: 28x300" bin 1x1;   Total Integration: 25.8 hours  (Darks: ~15  Flats: ~15  Flat darks: ~15) Gain: 110; Sensor T: -20C

L: 228x300" bin 1x1; R: 31x300" bin 1x1; G: 24x300" bin 1x1; B: 28x300" bin 1x1; Total Integration: 25.8 hours (Darks: ~15 Flats: ~15 Flat darks: ~15) Gain: 110; Sensor T: -20C



